PMW-Admin (8 posts so far) | | This has been a question posted to us via the contact form and email over and over again, asking us if we likewise accept military girlfriends in the site.
When someone applies for membership at the Forum, your application is accepted without prejudice. We have already assumed that you joined because you are an honest-to-goodness military wife (meaning a wife of someone who is or who has been in the military service - even if husbands are retired, discharged, etc. regardless whether husbands are/were military officers or not).
It was brought to our attention, however, that some members are currently girlfriends, not wives, of military personnel.
To accept girlfriends as a member of the forum will be a precedent to accept other members who are currently not married to a military personnel. With the small Admin group that we have, as much as we want to retain your memberships, with the wide reach that we want to attain we're afraid that including the girlfriends will prove to be too much to handle as of date.
For wives AND girlfriends of military officers, however, a site for Kaydet Girls are accepting members. The Kaydet Girls group ( is more capable of handling members of a wider range which include not only wives but also girlfriends of military officers and cadets.
So to cut the long story short, with the few (very busy)people that we have, we are currently not capable of accepting military girlfriends as part of the forum.
We hope this is understood by the members.
As for those whose memberships were accepted and are not wives of military personnel, kindly send us an email if you feel that there is a need for us to reconsider retaining your membership in the forum. We have sent emails to you, and we hope to receive a reply from you within seven (7) days.
Very truly yours,
Admin - Philippine Military Wives Website |